Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Smallest Buddha Statue in Borobudur

Golden statue of Buddha smallest Cipto Purnomo (26), pematung joined the Community Artists of Borobudur in Indonesia (KSBI), get a certificate MURI.

Delivery of the certificate was made manager Paul MURI Pangka to Cipto, in the Art Gallery and Unique Borobudur Indonesia (Gusbi), in the Borobudur.

Present on the occasion, Chairman Wihara Mendut Biksu Sri Pannyavaro Mahathera, I Nyoman Guardian KSBI Mustofa Ali, Head of Unit Park Borobudur PUJO Suwarno, the Central Conservation Marsis Sutopo Borobudur monument, and the Deputy Director of PT Jamu Jago Griyo Suryono.
Buddha statue is eight millimeter high, five-millimeter long, and four millimeter wide. Statue of seberat 1.13 grams of gold was recorded in order to award MURI-3661.

"The idea of Borobudur, processing techniques with fork and take a month, to spend the funds of Rp 1 million," said Cipto Pabelan in the area, Mungkid District, Magelang District.

The shape of the statue of Buddha with the position of meditation, as well as statues of Buddha in Borobudur temple.

The statue was submitted to the Chief Cipto Gusbi Siswantoro Hadi add to the collection of tourism booster Borobudur is located in the foothills of Bukit Dagi, about 100 meters west of the Borobudur.

Referral award is also marked with a procession pengusungan works by dozens of artists from the KSBI Zone I to the Borobudur Temple Gusbi page.

Artists spread the clay body in a procession that seemed to respect. Four other artists who wear traditional Javanese motif lurik with the headband, "iket", gong strike, kendang, jimbe, blow flute and procession escort.

They brought incense accompany Cipto step, put a white cloth scarf head crowned with a series of leaves.

Buddha statue is placed on the basic rock berundak similar temple is covered with glass-shaped stupa. The statue is carried to the small litter size by two artists.

"Today is Cipto create great works, but hopes of birth akan works great on other artists of the future Indonesia. This work gives birth to spirit works of other great," said Nyoman Ali.

Pannyavaro also states penghargaannya is in the works of sculpture. The paper is significant evidence that the younger generation still temperamental to preserve and develop the glorious culture of the nation. "I joined to give the award," said the spiritual leader of the Buddhist people.

According to Paul, MURI awards ever given to a statue of Buddha made of lighter materials, stone temples, and fiber. "Now Cipto has created a new record," he said.

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