Monday, January 11, 2010

Two Love Rules for 2010

RESOLUTION 2010 is still continuing and would always mention the love affair. Love also need the formula, not just the proximity of emotion without definite purpose.
For you seekers of love, the following two basic rules about the romance by

The first rule:

Planning is an integral part of the process in a relationship. "We will meet at this time and in this place", is an example assertion that you should say before the date. The attitude has become part of the resolution of your love this year.

Avoid dating without a plan and seemed in doubt, for example through the words, "I'll let you and we can decide then, will date where". This declaration makes women feel unappreciated.

You certainly will feel the best lovers when he knew when and where a date this week. With planning, you can prepare everything better, including giving a surprise at a dinner date.

Second rule

This year it's time to metamorphosed. Keep a sentence in Latin, "carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero" which means "petiklah day and believe me little as possible about tomorrow."

The meaning behind it, you are encouraged to take advantage of today's live more optimally do not put things off for tomorrow. That way we can better utilize the time allotted to them optimally.

If associated with love affairs, it's time to stop letting opportunities that are before. This year to no longer behave like a dumb ass.

It's time to say "goodbye" to the monotonous habits that prevent the opportunity to get the heart idol. Open opportunity with more mix and form a network of friends. You can go to the performing arts, rock, comedy, and cultural events to broaden relationships.

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