Friday, October 8, 2010

Not too "Super" Suits

I’m not going to lie.  I got into comics in a big way in the 90s.  I got into them around the time of the Death of Superman.  While at my old retail job, I would spend my 15-minute breaks reading the latest comic books in the book section in the store. Yes, the “extreme” nature of 90s comic books brought me into comics, but I can agree a lot of goofy things came out of the 90s too.
They made up a good list over at Pop Crunch. 
Here are a few of my thoughts on their list.
 ~Biker Wonder Woman:  Yep, people forget to that the redesign from the 90s is pretty much the same design of the new Wonder Woman of today.  I think the newer costume is better than the “Biker” one.
 ~Guy Gardner, Warrior:  I remembered that Guy actually had two shape shifting suits.  His suit magically changed after Zero Hour.  I liked his earlier suit before the tribal suit took over.  Did I mention that Guy Gardner turned into a hot woman too
 ~Angel Punisher?  What was Marvel smoking back in the day?  Obviously the same thing they are smoking now.  If you thought Angel Punisher was bad, look at the Franken-Castle Punisher.  Or the Captain America Punisher?  Really, Marvel? 

~Slut Sue Richards: Words can't express my anger over this change. I hate to say this, but it is too much skin for Sue. Now, if you want a sexy Invisible Woman picture check out this one.

~Azrael Batman: I have to admit that I still like this design. Basically, Azrael took his suit design and added it to the Batman outfit. That showed that he could never replace Batman.  

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