Star Wars Fan Documentary by Jamie Benning
This is amazing stuff. A lot of interviews haven’t heard since this video series. It also combines some of the “deleted magic video stuff in there for good measure.
-Interrogation scene: I never noticed the dead bodies behind Vader on the right inside the door. Was that in the actual movie? Originally, Vader was going to rip the Captain’s arm off. I’m kind of glad they took that out.
-The Biggs deleted scenes are here. Why does Luke’s goofy hat only make appearances in the deleted scenes?
-I love the R2 problems with the outtakes.
-Another Biggs scene: It explains the subplot with Biggs leaving the Empire and switching to the rebels. I really like the friendship between Biggs and Luke. This scene shows us insight into the frustration Luke has about staying on the planet. They really should have added this scene back in.
-So, the Jawas were supposed to be more rat-like in design, but Lucas switched it to hoods with eyes. I always liked that the Jawas never showed their faces.
-The Jawa theme is very different from the rest of the SW music.
-You can see the some kind of ship or hover-ship in the background during the oil bath scene.
-Alt-binary sunset music: While it is pretty, it is too dark and doesn’t carry the Luke theme we hear in the rest of the film.
-I love the officers’ scene with all the bickering. I remember there were actually toys for many of these officers. I never noticed the raised chair back for Tarkin. You don’t see too many officers with the white suits after this movie.
-The uncut Jabba scene. There was a female Greedo in Jabba’s crew.
-It always bugged me when you see Vader’s hand gestures and nothing is being spoken here. There was a line cut out.
-The famous storm-trooper bumping his head. In the DVD version, they added the bong sound when he hit his head.
-Open/close blast doors: Some versions have the trooper ordering the blast doors closed. I remember my VHS copy had only the “open the blast doors, while the SE and DVD versions had both the “open and close blast doors” bits.
-The completion of Luke/Biggs subplot. The scene was added back into the SE and DVD versions of the film, thus giving impact into Biggs’ death at the end. It should be noted there was more dialogue to the scene with the commander of the rebel wing telling Luke he flew with his father. This was removed from most added versions.
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