Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Thanks Nick for ruining this for me.  Thanks a lot...
Random Stuff
~Can I say I love that Kirstie Alley took a tumble on live TV. I just don't like this woman. I got into a little argument with a friend on Face Book because she took the side of Kirstie in the whole Lopez/Alley feud. I didn't attack her, but wanted her to know that Alley isn't the victim you want to defend. Remember when Alley was an actress?
~The Palin Factor: Why is Tina Fey taking heat over her recent Palin skit? While I know that Fey started to really hate playing her during 2008, but people should know all public figures take a ribbing. I like that Palin doesn't quite understand that and hates when Fey makes fun of her. The best part about the story is this bit in the story, (("Some may argue that exploiting Governor Palin and her family helped bring attention to my low-rated TV show. "I am proud to say you are wrong," she continues. "My TV show still enjoys very low ratings. In fact, I think the Palin stuff may have hurt the TV show. Let's face it, between Alec Baldwin and me there is a certain fifty percent of the population who think we are pinko Commie monsters." ))
~Britney Spears' “Till the World Ends”: Well, crap, her new written by Kesha sounds like a damn Kesha song. It sounds even more robotic than Spears' other stuff. Somehow, Kesha has made Spears sound worst. Listen for yourself. The music industry needs to die if this is what they have to offer.
~Does anyone want to see nude photos of Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon (Carey)? Isn't she still pregnant? By the way, what has Nick Cannon done lately? I'm not being mean, just curious. Oh, we also will have to suffer through magazines showing baby pictures with the two of them posing with their newborn. Call me evil, but I am not interesting in seeing your baby. The baby might be interesting to you, but I don't care.
~After reading the posts from above, I can tell I am in a bad mood today. 

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