Saturday, November 20, 2010

Do you remember that ESPN mistress Brooke Hundley?

So, she's a member of the Empire? 
Do you remember that ESPN mistress Brooke Hundley?
She was a mistress of Steve Phillip. What made her a little crazy allegedly was the fact she showed up to Phillip's house while Steven's wife pulled up to the house. That's just creepy.
Anyway, Brooke Hundley has a new lawsuit against ESPN. Here's where it gets interesting. From the Huffington Post, ((Hundley is suing ESPN for at least $15,000, claiming lost wages, emotional harm and damage to her reputation. ))
Emotional harm and damage to her reputation? I think she did that herself when she started to stalk Steve's wife and attempted to “Friend” his son on facebook.
From the Huff Post, ((Hundley has been accused of stalking Phillips, contacting his wife and approaching his son on Facebook, among other charges. She did not directly address the charges in the interview, but said that she regrets some of her actions: ))
Now, the reason I bring all this up is because, I discovered that she's a blogger now (Well, up to August). And, I have to say that her blog is well-designed. Her facebook page, which is connected to her blog, is current though.
Because I don't need any more drama from crazy people, I'm not going to link back to her blog (I already have Cheerleaders and Scientology folks pissed at me). I don't need a dangerously unstable mistress leaving notes on my doorstep (allegedly). Just Google “Brooke Hundley blog” and it will come up on the front page. Everyone is a blogger nowadays.
By the way, you can read the famous letter she sent to Steve's wife here. Just click on the photo twice. If that letter doesn't creep you out, I don't know what would.  

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