Sunday, May 15, 2011

Wonder Woman TV show dead...for now

Wonder Woman TV show dead...for now
NBC had this to say about the canceled show. From EW, ((We did what was best for the schedule,” Greenblatt continued. “It does give one pause. You’re almost damned if you and damned if you don’t. It’s tricky.” ))
That's just spin. More or less something happened behind the scenes after the show was shown to test audiences. For me, David E. Kelly was not the man for the job. While I liked the new version of the costume, the concept they were going for as a series just didn't seem right to me. Now, an animated TV show could work...if they based it on the old school WW, and not the strange reboot that is currently in the comic books. dug a little deeper into the reason NBC didn't pick up the series. Hopefully, WB can get the actual WW movie back on track instead of this.  

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