Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The problem with Gaga...

The problem with Gaga...
I was going to write a post about the story that blew up about Lady Gaga and Weird Al, but Electronic Cerebrectomy did a great job conveying the same feelings I had on the subject. It seems Madonna II (Gaga) didn't like songs that made fun of her and her music, so she disapproved Weird Al's cover of the Madonna “cover” “Born This Way”.
I guess after the negative heat she was feeling for rejecting the song, she turned “face” and blamed it on her manager. That's right, she blamed the people that work for her in order to make it look like she was uninformed. I'm calling it BS, wholesale. Now, she claims she really likes the song and approves it.
Even her “retarded” remark seems staged to me. She now receives more press for apologizing for her “retarded” remark. I'm starting to hope her staunch fanbase realizes that she is such a phoney. It does seem some inside her fanbase is starting to see this.
I just get the feeling she heard this parody and didn't like what it had to say about her.
The problem is that Gaga probably never really meant to insult handicap people, but to get a rise out of people and get people talking. Sure her music sounds very Madonna-like, but she knows how the play the media game. I think the whole Weird Al thing kind of backfired and she had to do some damage control.
But, hey look on the bright side; her twitter account was hacked for about ten minutes. That is a plus.   

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