Thursday, August 12, 2010

Random Thoughts....

With the end of summer(and hopefully this hellacious heat) upon us, I thought it'd be a good time for some random thoughts.

  1. Wasn't Sunday's episode of True Blood a beast? I mean you had fights, hot gay sex scenes (Eric and the Mississippi queen's lover) hot straight sex scenes (Sookie and Bill were goin' at it!) the death of Loraina (She was fabulous but that chick had to die....I mean when would she realize that Bill doesn't want you gurl?) and my gurl Pam's bitchy wit.
  2. Aren't you glad that the BP well is finally closed?
  3. And aren't you hoping (as a Louisiana resident I am) that the company doesn't just cut and run, or even worse, try to drill there again in the future?
  4. Is Lauryn Hill actually going to come out, see her shadow and make a new album? And why do we all still care so much?
  5. I can't lie, I'm a little disappointed in my girl Alicia Keys. I mean I know relationships and love are complicated, but I just never pictured Alicia as a home wrecker. Hopefully Swizz Beats, her and the baby will be happy though.
  6. And speaking of Swizz Beats, Alicia,was the sex really that good? Seriously take a look at Swizz.
  7. Wouldn't it be hot if Christina Aguilera did an album of Teena Marie covers?
  8. Don't you just love watching those ads for that spy show starring Boris Kodjoe? Granted it might just be a watered down Mr. and Mrs. Smith, but Mr. Boris is still fine! I'm just sayin'.
  9. Even though it was completely over-the-top and inappropriate, how many of us have fantasized about doing what Steven Slater did?
  10.  Speaking of Steven Slater, didn't he kind of steal the Barefoot Bandit's shine?
  11. Why don't more Americans realize that stopping Muslims from building a mosque near Ground Zero is the real anti-American act?
  12. Aren't you the least bit curious what Seth MacFarlane, a.k.a Stewie's solo album will sound like?
  13. Weren't you shocked by Fantasia whole-married-man-suicide attempt drama?
  14. Wasn't Nicki Minaj's "Your Love" video artistic and incredibly economic at the same time? You know mama probably went Bed, Bath and Beyond to get those sheets for the video!
  15. How in the hell could Prince fix his mouth to say the Internet is over? Baby you're not Jay-Z. You cannot declare an end to trends. Beside Jigga would never say that because he's a business man.
  16. Isn't Kanye's "Power" video a shoe-in for Video of The Year?
  17. Janet Jackson is funny as hell in skits. Visual proof below:

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