Sunday, October 18, 2009

Question of The Day: When Will We Rise Up?

Pretty much every black gay blog I've read has talked about our lack of cohesion/action as black LGBTs. I've responded on threads and blogged about why it seems so hard for us as black gays and lesbians to truly form a cohesive, outspoken community willing to stand up to the homophobia in our communities. Some say this apathy comes from the lack of outreach from mainstream (i.e. white) organizations. Others say it's because the homophobia we grew up with in church and the neighborhood have been drilled into us so deeply that at their core most black gays feel a degree shame over their sexuality. And some believe that most black gays just don't give a damn about marriage equality, hate crimes legislation, DADT, etc.

So my question is, after all the analysis and open threads and editorials have been written, what will it take? What will it take for us as black gays to rise up as an organized force and say 'No More.' No more sitting quietly while being degraded by the pastor. No more hiding our relationships or sexuality out of fear of being accused of "flaunting our lifestyle." No more feeling like we should just go along to get along, accepting whatever table scraps we can get.

I'm honestly at a loss as to what it would take for this to happen. So what do you think? Please leave comments and don't hold back (I have 8 followers so I know somebody reads this blog lol:).

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