Monday, June 27, 2011

In Defense Over Todd Akin Over Liberals Love Government Over God Comment

Congressman Todd Akin is under fire today. The St. Louis Congressman running for US Senate against the dingy blonde in the Republican primary said something today that I don't find too hard to back up. Yet, he comes under fire today. Here's the details:

On Tony Perkins conservative radio program Akin said, "I think NBC has a long record of being very liberal and at the heart of liberalism, really, is a hatred for God and a belief that government should replace God. So, they’ve had a long history of not being at all favorable toward many of things that have been such a blessing to our country.”

Is this a valid point that liberals want to replace God with Government? I take you back to the 2008 election where one Barack Obama promising big government was compared to the messiah Jesus Christ himself, and this comparison was especially strong in the mainstream media where Obama even sent tingles up the legs of Chris Matthews, who bowed down to Obama.

Of course, there were all sorts of references in art and in magazines of Obama being God-like. Remember these?

Or here is a Newsweek cover calling Obama the God of All Things.

Seriously, what is more offensive? Akin pointing out the far left's belief in big government as a God or the fact the mainstream media worked hard to turn Obama into a God?

Or how about how photos were manipulated to make Obama appear to be a light in a religious sort of way?

And here is this hand made Obama poster that was at the Obama/Democrat campaign headquarters in Lake City, Florida.

Seriously, what did Akin say that can't be at least considered in political debate? I don't think what he said was that far off. The problem is liberals hate being called out. Of course journalists like Barb Shelly of the Kansas City Star have their head too deep in their asses to consider the context of the statement if it means questioning Barack Obama. In religion, it's not recommended you question the head of the religion.

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