Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ice Cream Increase Fertility

You want to be pregnant? Try to eat lots of ice cream. According to latest research from Harvard University ice cream can be believed to increase fertility.

Results of research released in the journal Health Nurses Health Study was conducted by Dr. Jorge Chavarro, at Harvard University. In the research, explains Jorge Chavarro if ice cream is able to increase fertility.

"According to the results of research, average women, who regularly mengonsumsi susu processed products, especially ice cream, have a high reproductive health equipment is better than women who rarely mengonsumsi ice cream," said Dr Jorge.

Research that involved 18,000 women respondents in the U.S. for eight years, from 1991 to 1999. DR. Jorge noted the respondents lifestyle, including eating patterns, history of pregnancy and the cycle menstruasinya.

Of the respondents, there were 3,430 people have infertilitas, 2165 has stated interference matrix, and 438 people have a problem producing egg cells. While the remaining respondents, stated that approximately 12,000 healthy and have no reproductive problems.

Some 12,000 respondents was examined Dr Jorge. The respondents who only mengonsumsi susu processed products have lower fat failure risk pregnancies to 85%.

Instead of the respondents note mengonsumsi like fat-rich dairy products, especially ice cream, only 27% risk of experiencing pregnancy failure.

"Based on the results of this is that I mengimbau women planning a pregnancy re-thinking pattern low fat diet that you run. I do not recommend to eat ice cream three times a day, just change the food with low fat dairy products rich in fat processed once a day. In this case, the ice cream is a fat-rich dairy products and good quality gizinya, "said Jorge.

Dr Jorge research results are also strengthened by Dr Richard Fleming, from Glasgow Center for Human Reproduction. According to Dr. Richard, of women who undergo low-fat diet should be careful to sterility. For the low-fat milk can inhibit the process ovulasi.

It also supported senada Dr. William Gibbons, who has a fertility clinic in Baton Rouge, La., And also President of Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology, says the weight is too lean and too fat also has a large contribution to the reproductive health of women.

"Not meaning consume high-fat products that protect us. But do low-fat diet and 'forbid' susu-rich product that is not good for our reproductive health tool," said Dr. Zev Rosenwaks, director of Weill Cornell University and New York Presbyterian and the fertility problem.

Rosenwaks emphasize each woman to a healthy diet in line capacity and the portion of their bodies.

So for those who want to get pregnant, no one starts diligent susu consumption of processed products, including ice cream.

Let's eat ice cream to keep our reproductive health.

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