Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Anita Hill vs. Virginia Lamp Thomas (again)

Anita Hill vs. Virginia Lamp Thomas (again)
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It’s been nearly 20 years since this story broke and made national headlines.  Now, a story has surfaced that Virginia Thomas, Clarence Thomas’ wife, actually called sexual harassment accuser Anita Hill and asked for an apology to her husband. 
From, ((ABC News obtained a transcript of the voice mail, which said, "I just wanted to reach across the airwaves and the years and ask you to consider something. I would love you to consider an apology sometime and some full explanation of why you did what you did with my husband."))
Uh, I hate to break it to you, Virginia, but it has nearly been 20 years.  Don’t you think it is time to let go?  Mr. Thomas hasn’t really had any major effects from the incident.  He’s had a pretty good life and career after that incident.  The problem is you actually called Anita Hill’s place and left a message.  That seems a little creepy and stalker like to me. 
Keep in mind that I don’t like Clarence Thomas or really fully believe Anita Hill’s entire story, because I feel there was way more going on.  I think Hill had a bit of an agenda herself, which I won’t get into fully here.  Let’s just say there are some issues between black women and white women when it comes to black men dating white women that I really don’t want to open up here.  It’s not as bad as it was though.  I do think “something” happened between Clarence and Anita. 
Of course, Mrs. “Lamps” Thomas has already put her spin on it.  From, ((Thomas' wife Virginia said she was trying to "offer up an olive branch" to Hill.))
If that’s an olive branch, then it must be laced with poop.  You can’t call that an olive branch. 
To me, it seems Virginia has had a “bug” up her ass for 20 years for Anita Hill and has never let it go.  Given that nobody under the age of 24 would probably know about the accusations, it just seems odd.  And, all the crap that has happened over the years, does anyone care about Clarence Thomas today? 
“Clarence who?  Is he a football player?”    
Just let it go. 

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