Monday, May 23, 2011

The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn

The Adventures of Tintin
Now, I remember watching the cartoon show that came on TV here in the states. I was impressed with the seriousness the story lines took in each episode. HBO broadcast the episodes on their channel. Now, this new movie/trailer looks to capture that feel and style for the movie.
My only problem with the new teaser is there isn't much to see. We don't even get to see anyone's lips move. And, that might be problem with some GCI models. Though these might be early character models.
Steven Spielberg has been trying to make this movie since 1983. It seems both Sony and Paramount both co-produced the film. It seems producer Peter Jackson had a lot of pull in the development of the film from what I can tell. Jackson and Spielberg to share decision-making power for this film. This seems to be a different relationship from the one that Spielberg had with George Lucas in the last Indiana Jones film.
So, yeah, I am looking forward to the movie, which is coming out in December.
-There are some nice particle effects in the opening with the flashlight.
-I love seeing the ship run over the desert with water rushing in behind it.
Here's the kicker, the international trailer is a bit better with a few a few extra shots. Take a look.

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