Monday, May 30, 2011

Will Smith has a big trailer...

Will Smith has a big trailer...
I remember all the talk about Will Smith's huge trailer he uses on the set of MIB 3.
From The Scoop (Today), ((The trailer, nicknamed "The Heat," as the New York Postreports, "includes a lounge, a movie room with a 100-inch screen, marble floors throughout, offices for his assistants and writing staff, a large bedroom and all-granite bathroom. It measures about 53 feet long, has 22 wheels and weighs in at around 30 tons." ))
Yeah, but the kicker is his actual apartment is only a mile away. How about getting him a shuttle to and from that apartment he's renting instead of bringing a big freaking truck near the set. The other problem I have with the trailer is why does an actor need countless assistants? Why does he need a writing staff? Is he a writer on the movie?
One has to wonder if the old humble Will Smith from the Fresh Prince day would laugh at the Will Smith of today.  

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