Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hover Hands: Don’t put your hands on that girl ("Take your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty Geek!")

Great, you can touch your gun, but not a cute girl.  WTF? (That didn't sound right)
Hover Hands: Don’t put your hands on that girl
While rolling through the Internet Tubes, I came across a post about a term “hover hands” at ED. I first thought they were talking about that hover hand icon that happens when you hover your mouse over a link, but I was wrong.
So, I checked the super cool Urban Dictionary for a proper term on these “Hover Hands”.
From Urban Dictionary, ((Hover hand usually takes place in photos at conventions when a nervous nerdy guy is posing with an attractive female actress or model. They usually rap their arm around the chicks back and have their hand hover over the females shoulder or waist, afraid to touch them. ))
I've looked at least ten booth babe pictures, okay more like over 200, and never noticed it before. But there does seem to be this “hove hand” epidemic running through the nerd and geek community.
When you think about it, geeks and attractive women do in fact cohabitate in the same location, and that's conventions (sci-fi and videogame). You have two extremely polarizing forces smooshed together in one place. Geeks are afraid of hot chicks and hot chicks hate geeks. So, what we get are awkward pictures.
There are entire blogs and websites devoted to this pandemic.
Hover This one has also “sex hands???” too.

 I have no idea what is going on here.  Why is that girl holding an oversized ball?  My head hurts. 


Chris Jericho :  You will never…ever touch me…again. 

Come one, it is freak Y2J.  You have to touch him.  

 These girls are pretty hot.  You might have to break your Hover hand rule.


Wait, what's the PC guy doing here.  Oh, yeah he's a PC and not a Mac.  Mac guy would be mack-ing all over these chicks.  

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