Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ever Noticed How Unfree You Are on the Fourth of July: Fireworks Bans Infringe Upon the Founding Father's Vision

I have been watching a documentary series called The Revolution. It's a 13 part series that gives the specifics about the American Revolution, and it's currently available for streaming on Netflix.

In the revolution, they discuss the Founder's vision for the Fourth of July. In that vision were fireworks. Yes the Fourth of July is to be set aside as day to celebrate with fireworks according the Founding Fathers. It's part of the tradition they established, and yet in so many areas of the country fireworks are illegal.

I lived in Chicago for nearly 15 years. Fireworks there are a symbol of the police state. It's not that fireworks aren't shot off, because they are. In fact, my buddy Tom was nearly hit by a crazy Middle Eastern man with a turban shooting off a rocket. Someone should have called DHS. True story, and we still laugh about it today considering.

For the most part, throughout all of Illinois, fireworks are contraband. The police state works to ensure the least amount of fireworks are smuggled into the state.

Now you can buy some small poppers and sparklers in Illinois, but anything bigger, you have to go to Indiana or other bordering states. This is where it gets interesting. Illinois State Police have been known to work undercover tracking Illinois license plates whose owners purchase fireworks and head back west into Illinois. When they cross the state line they are pulled over and the fireworks are confiscated as if they were cocaine.

I doubt this is what the Founding Father's envisioned.

I have spending some time in Ohio working on my car adding performance parts to it to make it fun to drive again. It's amazing how cheaply you can do this when you have a friend that knows what he is doing. As I drive in Ohio, I noticed you don't see fireworks stands like you see in Missouri. So I asked someone if you can buy fireworks in Ohio. The answer is yes, but you have to purchase them with the promise you will not shoot them off within the state of Ohio. Interesting. Obviously the state collects its taxes on the sale and then forces most people out of the state to shoot them off.

Of course, this is just another fireworks law that conflicts with the vision of the Founders for this great day to celebrate independence from King George and England. Isn't it ironic that on this great day that we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence, fireworks regulations prevent us from celebrating the way the signers wanted us to celebrate. It really is another symbol of just how little freedom we truly have these days.

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