Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mayors Against Illegal Guns: 600 US Mayors Want to Take Away Your Right to Bear Arms

Earlier this year, I watched a special on how much easier it was to get some incredibly powerful firearms in countries that don't have a Second Amendment who also sponsor terrorism. Keep that in mind as you watch the latest effort by liberals to win the gun confiscation battle in the United States.

What Are You Waiting For? from Fix Gun Checks on Vimeo.

Of course this commercial is full of lies. Fully automatic weapons?

This commercial was paid for by a coalition of US mayors that are using terrorism to spread fear in hopes you will call Congress and beg them to take away more of your gun rights.

But according to CBS, it's not the criminal and terrorists they are targeting. They are also targeting honest American gun owners.

Founded by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the group, called Mayors Against Illegal Guns, consists of more than 600 mayors from across the country and aims to "stop criminals from getting guns while also protecting the rights of citizens to freely own them," according to its website.

Listen to the propaganda Mayor Adolph Bloomberg pushes.

"Criminals already know how to take advantage of gaps in our gun laws, and now Al Qaeda knows, too," said Bloomberg in a statement. "Americans, including NRA members, overwhelmingly support stronger laws to keep guns away from terrorists and other dangerous people. You are checked against the terror watch list to board an airplane, but you don't have to be checked when buying assault weapons. Weak gun laws aren't just a crime problem, they're a national security threat - and this ad should be a wake-up call to Congress."

The war on terrorism continues to be a war against your Constitutional rights.

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