Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Keith Olbermann World's Worst Person We Can All Agree On: TSA Head John Pistole

It's not often most of us want to agree with Keith Olbermann, but as the old saying goes, even a broken clock is right two times a day. Guess what Keith Olbermann has been right a couple times this month in choosing his Worst Person of the Day.

First, Olbermann singled out Congressman Billy Long for mocking tornado drills and weakening HAM radio operations that protect the public.

Of course public anger towards the TSA is rising again, and TSA John Pistole doesn't seem to mind as he justifies the intrusive patdown of a 95 year old woman in wheelchair who has cancer. Here's Olbermann proving even a broken clock is right two times a day.

Naming John Pistole his “worst person in the world”, on his Monday Countdown show on Current, Olbermann relayed his thoughts on the incident:

“She is in a wheelchair and after the TSA agents pat Ms. Reppert down and insist her daughter remove her mother’s adult diaper, which was used, the mother is stoic and cooperative.” Olbermann stated.

“The daughter bursts into tears. So now the TSA agents have to frisk her, too, because her conduct is now deemed unusual. The daughter misses the flight and her 95-year-old mother has to travel alone.”

“The TSA’s response? ‘We’re terribly sorry we went too far?’” Olbermann retorted. “Uh-uh. ‘In no instance would our officers ask a passenger to remove an adult diaper.’ The daughter says that’s a lie. The TSA still is refusing to acknowledge it did anything wrong. ‘We have reviewed the circumstances involved in the screening and determined that our officers acted professionally and according to proper procedure.”

“Translation: Screw you, public, we can do whatever the hell we want,” Olbermann continued.
“That attitude has only been growing in the last year since the feel-ups began at the airports and if it’s not going to change – the agency is really going to defend abusing 95-year-old leukemia patients on the incomprehensible premise that they might be suicide bombers, then this John Pistole, head of the TSA – he needs to be fired and we need to get a human being in there to do his job.” Olbermann concluded.

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