Thursday, June 30, 2011

MySpace Sold...with a coupon.

MySpace, I feel bad for you...

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MySpace is like those old westerns where they show the old ghost town with the tumbleweed blowing in the wind. I remember when everyone used MySpace. I hated the autoplay music boxes and the glitter that would lock up your browser. I think the site game to much freedom to people to make up their own pages.
Near its peak, Rupert Murdoch and his FOX Company bought MySpace for 580 million dollars.  That was when the huge slide began and the site wasn’t the “it” thing anymore.  When your grandfather (Murdoch) takes interest, it no longer is cool anymore. 
So, I was surprised to see that FOX finally got rid of their losing horse.  They sold it for 35 Million dollars.  Yes, you heard that right.
That’s a huge drop.  It was like FOX (News Corp) didn’t even bother to keep it afloat and just let the site degrade. 
Now, this is best part about the story.
From The Guardian, ((Justin Timberlake is to take a "major role" in the new direction of Myspace after he emerged as one of those behind a $35m deal for the ailing social network. ))
That's correct, the guy from the Shrek movie and Southland Tales is one of the people owning a piece of MySpace. The same guy from N Sync is bringing MySpace Back, so what comes around goes back around. (pun intended). That's nucking futs. The guy from the movie The Social Network is now an owner of another social network.
Some said it right from BBC with this comment by Greg Tyler. ((People often complain that you can't customise the look of your Facebook profile like you could on MySpace. But, looking back on it, I can't imagine anyone sticking around on Facebook if each profile was covered in badly matched colours and tacky pictures. That customisation ability must have cost them a lot of more serious customers. ))
Will JT save MySpace?
Better question: Where does this leave “Tom”?  

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