Friday, July 22, 2011

Lifeless Obama Looks Beat as Debt Ceiling Talks Break Down

I was fortunate to have caught a few minutes of Obama's press conference today. Normally, I turn the channel, but I couldn't help but notice how lifeless Obama looked. There was no enthusiasm, no confidence, and most importantly no leadership.

His skin was pail, his face was beaten, near emotionless, as he tried to point fingers at the break down. They attacked Michele Bachmann earlier this week for headaches asking if she could handle the stress of the job, but given Obama's appearance today, one has to ask of the job is getting the better of Obama.

Of course, give John Boehner credit today. He wasn't willing to compromise to Obama's demands, and Obama looked beat. Obama organized the meeting minutes after Boehner snubbed Obama, and Obama didn't appear ready to handle the press.

All we got from Obama was meaningless soundbites as the refusal to bow down to his demands are clear.

"I've been left at the altar now a couple of times," he said. "And I think that one of the questions that the Republican Party's going to have to ask itself is, can they say yes to anything?"

Mr. Obama, the problem is during the first two years of your presidency, you weren't told no for anything. Americans are now paying the price as you rapidly increased the national debt at a pace unseen during any time in American history.

The Obama today was lifeless, and if I were ever a fan, this would be sad to watch. I have never liked this man and his philosophies, and it was a pleasure to see him so defeated and lifeless. The life was sucked out of him, a far cry from the rock star persona that romanced Americans for their votes just three years ago.

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