Thursday, July 21, 2011

Roy Blunt Brags He is a Proud Sponsor of Cut, Cap, and Balance

From Twitter today, Senator Roy Blunt brags he is a proud sponsor of cut, cap, and balance.

Unfortunately, Blunt's efforts to portray himself as a fiscally responsible little 'r' Republican fighting Washington's big spending will always be tarnished by support for TARP, Cash for Clunkers, and many programs that led to more debt, bigger government, and of course tyranny (like the Patriot Act). Nice try Mr. Blunt, but your record on spending in Washington hasn't really proven that you are too concerned about record deficits as you and the Republicans lost your way during the Bush years.

But let's record Senator Blunt's words here, because we will be sure to watch and see if he lives up to this now the pressure is on, or if he will go back to his old ways of big spending.

“If we are going to get our economy back on track, then we must change our current spending behavior, and we must implement real structural changes,” said Blunt. “This bill begins to create those structural changes in order to stop business as usual.”

“I don’t intend to vote for a debt limit that does not make significant structural changes to the way we’re spending in Washington, and this bill is one of the ideas that would give us the change we need to move forward responsibly,” Blunt concluded.

Do you think he means it? Or will he be there supporting more bank bailouts and cash for clunker schemes in the future?

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