The Daily Paul and the New Hampshire Tea Party is fighting the International Baccalaureate noting its ties to the United Nations and its radical agenda. Of course this Web site has joined MSG Ronnie White and Truth About IB's fight against the IB at Ozark High School in Missouri.
The following article on the IB appeared both on Ron Paul's Web site and the New Hampshire Tea Party Web site:
The MVRSD is about to turn their whole school district over to the UN. And the parents and taxpayers have NO IDEA what this is about! They are being told it’s to ‘learn about other cultures’ or ‘learn other languages’.
The Concord Monitor refuses to print an op-ed about it or the rest of the information about the COST. Please spread this around to every parent and concerned taxpayer in the towns of Boscawen, Loudon, Penacook, Salisbury, Webster, and any regional or cooperative schools in SAU #46.
In addition to the public not being told about the mission statement that teachers and schools must sign that says they will support the UN’s MDG, or the requirement to drop ability grouping, the requirement to use constructivism as the teaching methodology, the requirement for students to do COMMUNITY SERVICE in order to graduate, or the fact that tests are sent to a foreign country to be graded, answering questions about the cost of IB is often avoided by its advocates.
The investigative reporter that works with us at USPEIN has done years of work on this material. Here is what she found:
Cost of the IB Programme is perhaps the most difficult information to acquire. We have done exhaustive research on the subject and without exception every school district that has purchased the programme has hidden information or otherwise blocked our efforts to obtain any definitive understanding of what this program costs.
Parents in different states in the U.S. have attempted to obtain copies of an annual contract between their district and IBO. Every single one has been met with the same response, “There is no contract”. The original Applications A & B are considered the only official “contract” between IB and a district, neither of which tell districts what IB will do for them, but rather what the districts must do for IB. Theoretically, without a binding contract, districts can cancel the program at any time, yet history has shown that once IB has made its way into a district, there is little chance of getting rid of it in less than 10 years. Business managers for districts will give you the annual fees, and perhaps the cost of IB exams (along with postage fees to send them to Wales to be scored)–this is only the tip of the iceberg. If you continue to push, you may get a training budget that rarely includes cost of substitutes, or travel expenses. Finally as you continue to dig you will uncover additional, ongoing and very expensive costs including the requirement to add staff, and materials, and extra classes to accommodate the IB requirement. In some cases, once programmes are established in a district, we have found that IB has mandated that entire school buildings be turned over to their program in order to retain their license. Additional costs including redistricting of non-IB students to other buildings are rarely factored into the IB budget.
We have gathered here all the information you need to make a true and accurate assessment of the cost to run an IB programme. These documents will give you the financial picture. To understand the opportunity costs, academic costs and personal hardships which have resulted from the adoption of the IB programme, please read on…
The IB Programme Costs have been much discussed and much debated. We have found that especially if the program comes under fire, there is a tendency on the part of School Administration to hide costs deep within the school’s general budget. It is important to look for the following costs in addition to the published fees in order to get a full accounting:
**Training Costs: Largest commitment of budget – IB requires that all IB instructors be certified by IB–these costs include the IB fee for the seminar, travel, lodging and sometimes car rental expenses. IB offers three Levels of training. Each Level consists of a three day seminar, rarely offered in a district’s home state, and averages $1,500 per teacher, per 3 day seminar. IBO is beginning a new series of “online training courses”. These 6 week “sessions” consist of a teacher logging into an IB “message board” for four (4) hours a week. The cost for the “online training” is approx. $620 (per teacher, per course).
**Application fees: Have now risen to a total of $23,000 per school! Consideration Phase – $4,000 Part A – $9,500 Part B – $9,500 This is up from $17,000 just one year ago. Also, schools are required to pay IB annual membership fees for the two years a school undergoes the authorization process. In the case of a school applying for the IB Diploma program, not including IB teacher training, a district will pay $43,000 for the “privilege” of applying to IBO.
• Ongoing teacher training – variable, $20-60,000 per year avg.
• Salaries and benefits for additional instructors: IB requires that foreign language be taught a specific number of hours per week in the Elementary School. This requirement often necessitates additional staff.
• Costs associated with required IB Evaluation visits – approx. $3,500 per IB team visit
• Establishment of IB Coordinator Positions – (recommended at least 25% release time)
• CAS Supervisor – (stipend approx. $2,500 – 3,500)
• EE Supervisor – (stipend approx. $2,500 – 3,500)
• Books and materials for IB classes – IB course guides must be purchased from IB Store
• Postage to mail materials to IB offices around the world. (avg. of $5-7,000 per yr.)
• Salaries for substitutes for IB classes when teachers are out for training – (variable)
• IB DP Student registration fees – $129 $135 $141 per student, certificate or full diploma, payable in the year first IB exam is taken.
• IB MYP Student registration fee – $60 per student
• IB MYP Course moderation fee – $640 per subject
• Annual IB DP authorization dues – $9,600 $10,000
• Annual IB MYP authorization dues – $8,000 $8,400
• Annual IB PYP authorization dues – $7,000 $7,300
• $91 $92 $96 (as of September, 2010) test fee per IB subject – in some districts, this fee is included in the budget but NOT picked up for AP students
IBDP Online courses through Pajoma – IBO expects to have a full offering of Diploma courses available by 2013. A school must already be authorized as an IB World School in order for students to enroll in these courses. You can get an idea of the current fees HERE ( but expect those to increase significantly by 2013.
Annual fees (
Assessment fees (
Teacher workshops (
2011 IB exam fees as per NYT (
Source: 01/14/11 from
To the Editor,
Despite the disapproval of many parents and taxpayers, and the reluctance of the district’s teachers, Lorrie Carey of Boscawen (influenced by Pansy Bloomfeld of Bow) is responsible for bringing the International Baccalaureate program into the MVRSD. Bloomfeld had previously failed to impose this program in Bow thanks to educated taxpayers there.
Carey has described IB as an “elite” program that will help improve the students’ skills and help them “compete in the global economy”. When asked to define the phrase “compete in the global economy”, Carey could not come up with a meaning.
Truth is, IB is really nothing more than a vehicle for social engineering coming straight from Geneva Switzerland. It uses our children for political mules, and at an extra cost to the taxpayers.
This quote from the Boscawen PYP page at the MVRSD website is telling: “What does this mean for a 21st century student? Most people take pride in their heritage and beliefs, and this is important. But to function effectively in the new century, we must reach beyond our cultural borders and work to create moral and just communities that foster the common good.”
So this is what is being taught; that in order to “function” as the UN wishes, we must dump our personal values for the state’s — in order that “we must…work to create moral and just communities that foster the common good”. Basically what this means is that your family’s values, culture, and beliefs, including religious and capitalistic work-ethic beliefs, must be forfeited to those of the ’state’.
Demanding that children “foster the common good” is a clear political agenda, pure Marxist-speak. Is this what you thought you sent your child to school to learn? What about skills?
It is in this manner that the socialist and communist countries of the UN can engage our best and brightest children in a specific manner of thinking. Having seen other materials from IBO, I can say with certainty that like the page from the MVRSD website, IB material and content matter is fraught with the anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-individualist values of UNESCO. Kids are taught that the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, NOT the US Constitution, is the highest moral authority and law of the land.
Further it states: “IB believes that it is important for children to see that the disciplines do work together and often big ideas that we need to learn encompass more than one subject area.” Sadly that ‘big idea’ is world government, or communism.
What Carey and Bloomfeld do not say is, that in order for a school to be accepted as an IB school, each teacher who works with the program and each school must accept the “mission” of IB, which is basically to accept government the way the UN wants it — globally centralized under one authority — with the UDHR as the basis for human “rights”. The UDHR states that you have rights, but only as the UN sees fit to grant them. (item #29)
Parents should not be duped into buying this program after being told it merely teaches languages and “about other cultures” and “critical thinking” which is a code word for institutional bias coming from the globalist left. We don’t need to pay some UN agency to teach us to welcome those of other cultures, something Americans are best at doing, or to give instruction in various languages. This is acheived by simply hiring good teachers who know these subject areas well.
Parents must not be intimidated by the fact that school officials will call them “closed-minded, isolationist, and backward” for opposing a program that does little good academically because its true focus is “social justice” ala the UN. Teachers must learn how to diffuse the Delphi Technique which dupes them into thinking that with their input, they have accepted what has been pre-determined. Parents must demand that schools stop giving their money to our enemies to be used for our own demise.
Please read about the IB agenda on IB’s own website:
Jane Aitken is a 35-year teacher and education activist who lives in Bedford NH. She started a nationwide support group for parents, teachers, students, taxpayers, and school board members who oppose the institutional bias that exists in the American educational system and the political manipulation of Amerian students. She can be reached at
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